With God’s Grace will operate as a year-round free grocery store allowing people to shop for their basic needs. There is no charge to those referred or to the people and agencies that send them. They may shop for food to supplement their income during times of crisis and as they work toward self-sufficiency.A philosophy of community empowerment means we aim to solve hunger issues in our community by developing programs to meet the needs of the community, including partnering with other organizations on issues of food security. We believe in cooperation and collaboration between organizations to better serve the community. With God’s Grace will be providing cooking and nutrition classes for our families.
With God’s Grace Free Store is located at 5505 North Dixie Northridge, Ohio 45414. Before you come to the Free Store you must have appointment please text 937-602-9981 to set up your appointment. When you come to your appointment please bring a photo ID for all adult members in the family. All adults must be present 1st time if not married. An birth certificate for all minors, and a piece of mail with current address from the last 30 days. With God’s Grace Free Store is open to Montgomery, Preble and Greene County Residents.