• (937) 397-4124

  • 622 Springfield St, Dayton, OH 45403


With the freezing rain advisory we had many of our families braved the weather today.
With God’s Grace is blessed to provide 4,131 meals for 459 people at our west Dayton food mobile on 1/14/2017 to 4 counties and 28 differ zip codes..
Tonight 146 families has healthy food for their family for dinner. Everyone was able to do a grocery style shopping, with meats, fresh produce, non perishable food, bakery, and breads. Each family was provided homemade blankets and meal to eat while they was there. With Gods Grace provided 168 families pets with food. We would like to thank our 16 volunteers that came out to help at the this afternoon and braved the weather. We thank each one of you guys for your help.
Please check out With Gods Grace mobile schedule for 2017, Looking forward blessing our families in 2017. Everyone is welcome to come to all mobile locations if needed.
Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WithGodsGrace.MobileFoodPantry/

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