Today With Gods Grace had their warehouse mobile, We handed out wide selection of fresh produce. We love being able to provide Healthy food for our families. Fresh produce is one of the most asked for items from our families because they unable to buy at the store due to cost of the items. We so blessed to provide our families with Produce, breads, nonperishable food items, brinks, and meats.
With God’s Grace is blessed to provide 17,001 meals to1889 people at our Warehouse mobile at on 11/8/2017 to 10 counties and 51 differ zip codes
Today 606 Families had healthy food for their family for dinner.
We would like to thank our 28 volunteers that came out to help on at our warehouse mobile location. We thank each one of you guys for your help. We can use more volunteers at this locations. Please if you can help we need volunteers from 3:00pm to 6pm. I would like to thank the 2 volunteers that came out of the line today to help…Huge thank you.
Please check out With Gods Grace mobile schedule for 2017, Looking forward blessing our families in 2017. Everyone is welcome to come to all mobile locations if needed.
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